Here are the programs we are currently putting together and running. We also have many other ideas in the works for future programs that benefit both cats and humans.



Our whiskered friends are here with us through all walks in life. As curious kittens and kids, we get to explore the world together as we grow up side by side. Education is a core value to us at the Meowtropolitan Foundation, and with our program Young Hearts, we strive to provide various learning opportunities with our youth today. Providing families with information on proper cat care and the impact of adoption are some fundamental aspects of our mission, but it’s also a celebration of the special bond that can be found through our feline friendships.



Venerable Hearts:

The pillars of our community are our senior citizens, a belief we hold close to our hearts. Research has shown many positive, life-changing effects that come from friendships between animal companions and our elderly members of society. Not everyone is in a position to provide shelter/care for a pet, and this is where we want to bridge a gap. We are passionate in our mission to connect seniors with the companionship and lasting positive effects that come with interacting with our furry friends. One of the greatest dangers to the retired members of society is loneliness, and through working with various elderly care facilities we can support them and provide connection; the unconditional love and excitement a cat brings into our lives.



Healing Hearts:

Our statement in Healing Hearts is about acknowledging the needs of survivors of trauma. We are motivated by compassion to be there for those struggling from traumatic experiences such as PTSD, anxiety, depression, abusive relationships, among other vulnerable situations. We provide access to animal therapy for members of our community that deserve to feel safe, comfortable, and loved during their healing process. Overwhelming evidence shares that the relationship we have with cats benefits our mental health, and the nurturing love that we feel from purrs and playtime can have a monumental impact on a happier, healthier life.